I'm gonna take my family blog and put something out here.
I truly believe that Obama is a not who everyone may think he is.
Amongst other reasons, this is first and foremost:
I heard this on a very well known talk show last week. Even though the media is slanted, I can't believe this isn't even a little bit out of the bag. They are sure keeping a tight lip about this one.
Berg vs. Obama (yep that's right Obama is being sued)
Let me give you some of Philip J. Berg's credentials first. Here is a quote I found on a website... "Berg, who served as Deputy Attorney General of Pennsylvania for eight years, ran twice for governor in 1990 and 1998 and once for the U.S. Senate in 1994, was former chair of the Democratic Party in Montgomery (PA) County and a former member of the Democratic State Committee,..." (from this site)
So, Philip J. Berg (stauch democrat) has filed a lawsuit against Obama based on evidence he has collected, that he is not a natural born citizen. This evidence includes, but is not limited to proof of forged documents and an audio clip of his paternal grandmother calling her family member to say that Obama was born in Kenya. The crazy thing is that Obama hasn't disputed the charges. If these allegations are true, Obama is constitutionally ineligible to be president of the United States of America.
This is not a crackpot republican trying to pull some last strings to slip Obama up. I would probably disagree with most everything that Philip J. Berg stands for. But this is his attempt to hold up the constitution. It looks like he's coming up against many roadblocks.
I'm just passing on the information to my few readers, because it's awful that the liberal media doesn't present both sides of the story. If this was the other way around, it would have been smeared all over the place.
If you want to hear the same interview that I heard, here is a link.
All I will say is choose wisely my friends.
Romans 16: 17-20
I haven't totally decided who I'm voting for. Here in Oregon, the presidential vote doesn't really count, unless you're voting for Obama.
I'm considering a vote for the constitutional party candidate, Chuck Baldwin.
He's in your voter's guide.
He stands for everything that I want in a president.
I know that it is our American right to vote for who we want to.
I wouldn't have done this post if I thought that we were being given all of the information.
In composing this post, I have tried to be as respectful as I can be. So if you have a comment, please do the same for me and the rest of my readers.