Normally I would space each of these out into several posts. But we've had alot going on. Blogging has taken a backburner for a little bit.
1. Our house that we live in and "the little house" went up on the market to sell on Monday. Call it a preemptive strike if you will. We are ok for now, but a few months down the road if something doesn't happen with one of them it won't be pretty. We really feel like this is what we were being led to do. If both houses sell, so be it. Ryan really wants to move in closer to his job anyway. Well, he REALLY wants to move to Bend, but I don't think that's in the cards. The grandparents would revolt, BIG TIME!!
2. I've been cleaning out my front bedroom. I haven't even scratched the surface of it, but the last couple days I've been listing stuff on ebay and craigslist. That is very time consuming. And I'm not totally sure if it's worth it this time around. I don't know...I have some auctions ending today, so ask me in a few hours. I only have 1 watcher to one of my 4 auctions.
3. Just generally cleaning my house constantly in case of a showing. I'm not a naturally "keep things clean" person. Just ask my old college roommate, my mom, my husband, the next door neighbor....
4. I've been "busy" learning the art of couponing. Tuesday night I went to a class held by these fine ladies... This is stemming out of the mom's group that I go to at Damascus Community Church every month. Last month's topic was No More Excuses: Getting real with your Family's Finances. At the end of the discussion, she announced that they were going to have a class on saving money on groceries. She also gave a list of blogs to check out in the meantime.
Well, Jackie and I have been perusing these blogs quite regularly and it's true, there is quite a lot of money to be saved if you know the tricks of the trade.
To check these blogs out yourself here are a few more:
Super Coupon Girl
Money Saving Mom
Frugal Finds From Your Frugal Friend
Common Sense With Money
That is a smattering of the ones I've been checking pretty regularly.
I'm working on my shopping list and very excited about the deals I'm working on.
5. I ordered and received my digital scrapbook that I've been working on all year long. I'm extremely happy with it! Other than a few little typos on my part, it's absolutely beautiful! I'm so excited about this. The best part is, MyPublisher was running a special thru Costco and it was 55% off. So a book that was supposed to be $113.95 before shipping was about $60 after shipping. It's 100 pages so that makes it $.60 a page. There is no way that I could make a paper book for that cheap. I would spend $20-30 on the book alone, not to mention the page protectors, paper, stickers, embellishments, adhesive, and the list goes on....
6. I'm going to be trying to take pictures of Wyatt this afternoon at the park by our house. Just try to wrangle a very busy toddler at a park by yourself. Heaven help me...I don't know how I'm gonna do it.
There you have it...that's the update.
I'll probably think of stuff I forgot later.
Oh ya, I got tagged. That might have to wait till the weekend.
It's a pretty fun one though!
Everyone have a fun and safe Haloween. While I really don't like Haloween itself, we have fun celebrating in our own special way.
How to Show Your Parents How Much You Care As They Get Older
As your parents age, showing them how much you care becomes increasingly
important. Whether through emotional support, practical assistance, or
10 hours ago
1 comment:
Sounds like you are one busy mama! How did the photo shoot go? You are one brave woman! I think I got one "decent" photo of Austin in his costume last night and that was him looking at me, but with a cracker in his mouth. There are no good pictures to be taken around here lately. He wants nothing to do with the camera.
Hopefully one of your homes will sell soon. I would like to sell ours and move about 40 miles closer to town.
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