Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Allegra Beth

Our newest addition, Allegra Beth was born yesterday, November 17 @ 12:48 PM. She was 8lbs 1.5oz...20 inches long. She is sweet as can be and her own little person. We are having fun finding the ways that she is like and different from her big brother.

I know it's been a long time since I've posted anything, and honestly, I don't know when I'll get back into a habit of doing it again.
But, I just wanted to share some pictures of our new little princess.


  1. She is beautiful, Em!! So precious!! Sending love and blessings!!

  2. Somehow I missed this post. She's adorable Em! Can't wait to hold her. Congrats.

  3. She is beautiful Em! I can't wait to meet her soon...before she is crawling hopefully :)
