Tuesday, November 24, 2009

One Week Old

Our little sweetie girl is one week old today. She is proving to be a good little eater and a sleepy little toot. Smiling big and wide in her sleep, I wonder what she dreams of. We really have to work hard to keep her awake. It has been a challenge getting her day/night schedules switched. But it's going better now, and she is just getting up every 3-4 hours to eat.
Wyatt is still being super sweet and loving towards her...so much more than we could have asked for. He is such a wonderful big brother. And speaking of big...He is so huge now. I know he's not any bigger than he was last week, but he just seems so big to me now. I've heard other parents say that, but never understood it...till now.

1 comment:

  1. I've been thinking about you, wanting to call and see how you're doing. But I know how these first few weeks are. Thanks for posting! :) I'm glad to hear things are going pretty good so far.
