Saturday, October 24, 2009

I'm pretty proud of myself...

....I finished the quilt top.

I'm taking a "sick day" today.
Ryan is playing in a softball tournament and Wyatt is with Babu & Papa. But, yesterday, in the midst of getting sick, I got the backing put together. Ryan kept my appointment with the quilter that was referred to me by a friend on Facebook. So, it's in her capable hands and should be finished before Allegra makes debut!
Now I just have to decide if I'm going to have her bind it too, or if I'm gonna tackle that myself. It doesn't look that hard, I'm just running out of time!


  1. It looks amazing. You did a great job! What a special blanket!

  2. it's really amazing! good job! you need to post some more pics of it... pics that get much bigger when you click on them so i can see it close up (am i *that* old now?!). i love, love the colors! what a fantastic gift!

  3. Yay! Congrats on a job well done. It's beautiful!

  4. WOW!!! That is absolutely adorable! Beautiful work!!! Can't wait to see the pics you take of your little sweetie on it (assuming you will :D)

  5. that looks amazing are so talented
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