Thursday, May 28, 2009

Ryan, You Will Never Believe What YOUR Son Did!!!

He was "washing" his hands with the sunscreen!!!!
Yep...thats right, at that moment...he was YOUR son. :)

I ran downstairs really fast to take a very quick shower, leaving Wyatt upstairs innocently watching Sid The Science Kid. So, when I got out of the shower, I went to the bottom of the stairs and asked him if he was being a good boy. He said..."I'm washing my hands".....Uh Oh!!!
It might sound ok to the naked ear, but anyway I look at that, I see problems.
Well, I came running upstairs to the picture above. No, I did not think it was funny...No, that is not why I took the picture! I took the picture for proof! Nothing more! He got in some pretty hot water.
And to think, when I was downstairs taking a shower, I was marveling at how I wouldn't have been able to do this a year ago. Guess, I still can't. *Sigh*


  1. Um...Wow! That little stinker. Hopefully it didn't ruin your coffee table.

  2. As moms we are always pushing the importance of sunscreen these days with everything we know about the damaging sun.... I guess it really drove home with your little pumkin'.... a few more months you can leave him longer, just there will be a little issue with leaving the new little one - you will look back on these days and miss them, I promise - seriously, I promise :) SERIOUSLY :)

  3. Oh dear. I am sorry. what a mess.

  4. You are so lucky that you are able to take a shower alone. I have an audiance everytime I take one. And if I don't let Karisma in she will scream until she is purple in the face. And then Kaedence sits there by the door in her chair...

  5. Em, I think it's the ARTIST in him! He is just expressing his creative side - he's so talented!!!

  6. in fact ... Crop out the lower right hand corner, enlarge and frame it. Then title the artwork something like ... "Destined To Be Great"! Love ya Emmer (proud mom & grandma)
