Friday, May 29, 2009

Ok...I'm taking the plunge!!

Remember this post?
Well way back in March, I took my sewing machine in and had it tuned up. Since then, it's been sitting sadly in our "office" with the plastic still over it.
I've been wanting to do something with it, but the possibilities seem so endless.

Anyway, I've decided to make a quilt.
I know...I don't know if I'm having a girl or a boy yet, but if I have a'll be for her. If I have a'll be for some lucky future girl. haha. Because I'm making it girly.
I'm finding everything to be SOOOOO EXPENSIVE!!!
Sheesh, I give up paper scrapbooking to join the ranks of possibly an even MORE expensive hobby.
But, I thought I'd share what I have so far.
Oh, I haven't started yet. Nope. But, I've picked out a pattern...
I've picked out and purchased the material for the chicks...

and I've bought a couple of other odds and ends...
but there is a bit more that I need before I can start actually putting it together.
Isn't it cute?

I sure hope that I don't fizzle out and not get it done.
What I really NEED to be doing is catching up on the year and a half that I'm backed up on scrapbooking, before pinhead makes it's debut.

Oh well.
It's so much more fun to start a new project right?
I'll post the progress!!!
Wish me luck!!!


  1. Oh my! that is quite the ambitious quilt! You can do it! I can't wait to see it all done. = )

  2. Wow! You're starting big! It's really cute but like Taryn said ambitious! I wish I could come over and help while the boys play. :) I can't wait to see it!

  3. Congrats on the quilting plunge! I probably have some things you could use. Cutting mat, cutter, probably more but it's all in a box in the garage. Dare I look? I wonder if the mouse got to that box too? EEK.

  4. Way CUTE!!! Your baby is so lucky to have you for a mommy.... you can do it! Can't wait to see the end product.
