Sunday, May 24, 2009

Hope Your Memorial Weekend.... going as good as ours!!!
We took Wyatt fishing today with the canoe at Devil's Lake, and HE CAUGHT ONE!!! Yay!
The weather was beautiful.
The water wasn't too cold.
Wyatt was a good boy.
AND he caught a fish!
And then...
...that fish....
...became dinner!

...AND boy was it yummy!

Have a great Memorial weekend everyone. :)


  1. Good job Wyatt! I'm so proud of you catching a fish. Have a great rest of the weekend.

  2. Yay Wyatt!! That is so cool!! Glad you guys had a great time!

  3. Oh my- I have a picture of me and my uncle just like that! Holding up my precious little fish I caught. good for him for eating it. I didn't like knowing that my "little fish friend" was turned into dinner!
