Monday, December 22, 2008

Saturday Snow Fun...

...pre knee dislocation.
After telling Ryan how much fun we had up at our little neighborhood park on Thursday, we took Wyatt up to the park on Saturday morning. Since we both went, I was able to take my camera.
We had so much fun once again. It wasn't snowing as hard as it was before, but he still went very fast down the slide with his snow pants on. Ryan even had some fun hanging on the monkey bars and going down the slide too. And then when we got back from the park our neighbor let us borrow her sled and Ryan and Wyatt went down our driveway a couple of times. Wyatt wasn't as crazy about this as I thought he would be. It took some convincing to get him on there, but after he was on, it was all smiles.


  1. Looks like you guys had so much fun ... I would have complained the whole time, so I am glad I didn't get invited. Ha, ha!!

  2. Fun pictures!
    Sorry the day ended bad...
