Tuesday, May 6, 2008

A Very Busy Weekend....

I have a very busy week planned for myself, so I'm going to try to get this post ready in pockets throughout the day.
Friday, Wyatt and I met Grandma Kris (my mom) at the Troutdale Outlets. I had to replace the movies that I had borrowed from Jackie on our trip to Boise.
Mom chased Wyatt around the toy store and gave me the chance to walk around Gap all by myself.
Heaven? I think so!
Mom and dad have a standing date on Friday evenings to go out for dinner with my grandma and grandpa...(Wyatt calls them, Papa 'Ford and Great Great Great Grandma 'Ford)
So we joined them for dinner at Giuseppe's.
Saturday Ryan hung up an airplane in Wyatt's room that Grandma Kris bought him at the toy store. He was mesmerized, he really loves airplanes right now. Then we cleaned the house, and Ryan went on a spontaneous golfing escapade with my dad.
We had "the gang" over for Mexican Tortilla Soup. "the gang" consists of, Doug, Lynnann, Cresslynn, Jenna, Asher, and Carson. (the gang is much easier to say)
Carson and Wyatt are only 6 months apart, and the older they get the age gap doesn't seem so far. These 2 can fight with the best of them, but they always end up together. I think they are going to be great friends as they grow up.
Sunday, of course, we had church and then lunch at Babu and Papa's (Ryan's parents).
It was such a beautiful day, I seriously felt like skipping or something. It made me miss California. Every day in spring there is like it was on Sunday.
Sunday we celebrated my Grandpa LaFord's 92nd birthday. Today is his actual birthday. We took the opportunity on Sunday and snapped some pictures of grandma and grandpa and all the great grandkids. Sadly, there were a few missing, but there was still quite the brood.
92 is quite an accomplishment, don't you agree.
It was a great birthday party, hosted by my cousin Michelle at her house. She has the perfect backyard for the beautiful day we had Sunday. Wyatt immediately honed in on the sandbox, and parked himself there for most of the party.
So, it was a great weekend, and now today, we're back to overcast with the chance of rain.
I don't know why I expect more from

Right to Left:
Kennedy, Hadley, Skylar, Spencer, Max, Calvin, Grandma, Grandpa and Wyatt

Ok...I'm having a hard time attaching captions on here so I'll just go chronologically.
Grandma and Grandpa were laughing because the wind kept blowing out his candles!

Ryan threw Wyatt high in the air...I want to photoshop in a cape, it looks like he's flying to me.

Grandma Kris and Wyatt are attached at the hip most always.

The happy birthday boy!

My cousin, Christine and Calvin, her son. So cute, Calvin is such a good young man. (I used to babysit him)


  1. Those are beautiful family photos!! I love the one of Wyatt "flying"!! And we have those same fire truck pajamas Wyatt is wearing in the picture with Carson! What a couple of cuties!!!

  2. I just ran across your blog through the photo contest...I noticed that you are from Oregon and it said McFadden are you elated to Debra, David and Peter of Medford? peter is one of our best friends if you know them. Check out my blog if you get a chance!

  3. I can't believe how high up Ryan threw him! Wow!
    I've been wanting a couple cool planes to hang in the boys room for awhile. I actually bought one for Mike & Garrett to build together but I'm sure you can guess how that ended up. I guess I'll just have to go buy some. :)

  4. Thanks for commenting on my blog! Your kind words made my day :)

    Love the pics you have on here. Just wondering, what lens are you using?

    -andrea (kelly's sister)
