Monday, April 14, 2008

Every Kid's Gotta Have one....

....a fake smile. And Wyatt's showed up this week.
We were videotaping something and I flipped the viewfinder backwards so he could see himself in the screen. All of a sudden...this emerged. I e-mailed this picture to my mom and she thought that he was throwing a tantrum. Nope, just a new development around here!!

He also has been asking alot of questions, such as... 's that a circle? or 's that a fan?

Another super thing is he has developed a love for this guy. I love this, because Boz meets him right where he's at, and gives me a glorious 45 minute break. Wyatt hasn't been into tv at all up to now, but he asks for this loveable green character all the time. I have to limit it to morning and afternoon.

Now that we have internet at our house, I plan on making an effort to blog on a regular basis.

I will be updating Wyatt's BabyJellyBeans site so I can order my free CD and then I am planning on cancelling it.
It costs money and I have been awful at updating it. So, I figured I'd just take advantage of a free blog and try to keep it up.
Wish me luck!!

I am still setting up my new blog, but in the side margin, I have added a slideshow of my scrapbook layouts of our recent trip to Boise. I'm scrapping day by day and still working on I finish pages, I'll be adding them to the slideshow.


  1. That is such a great picture. You can really see personality in it.

  2. My boys have horrible fake smiles. It makes me crazy! But it'll be funny when they're older and they look back at the pictures, right?
    We love Boz too. But not quite as much as Veggie Tales. Or superheroes. :)
    I'm glad you're back to blogging!
