Wednesday, April 16, 2008

"The Boys"

So, I was trying to come up with something to blog about. I came across this picture from almost a month ago and it made me smile.

So I was downstairs for a second, changing my clothes. I came back up and this is what I found...
Wyatt sitting with both of his blankies, on top of the dining room table, surrounded by an obscene amount of money.**
He had gotten into my purse, and found a special envelope that happened to have some cash in it.
So he held up 2 bills, one a $50 and one a $20 and he said, "the boys".
I was puzzled...wouldn't you be?
So I asked, "What do you mean, the boys?"
and he pointed to the 18th president of the USA, Ulysses S. Grant, and said, "the boys".
I have no idea where he got this, but it sent me over the edge. I knew that although it was a little unnerving to come upstairs to that picture, I would want to tell this story in the years to come.***

** Disclaimer--I don't ever carry cash. My money comes in the form of a debit card. Ryan and I had just happened to take some cash out for a home project that we were planning on doing. (we didn't end up doing it)
*** Thank goodness no historical US presidents were destroyed or harmed in this situation. Like I told Ryan, it could have been much worse. I could have come up to shredded money!!! This is why it was funny in the moment too!!!

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