Tuesday, April 27, 2010

It's all Going Too FAST!

Yesterday, we officially arrived at my absolute favorite baby stage. It's nice to hit this point because I have really been missing the newborn stage lately.
I plopped Allegra up on her bottom, and low and behold, she stayed up. Our house isn't too conducive to playing on the floor, so we haven't really been trying this with her. But, we were playing on our bed yesterday and I just happened to try it.
I absolutely love this time, she has a little bit of independence but, can't move around yet. We are going to go buy an area rug in the next couple of weeks, so she can have somewhere safe to play.
Today, we were all playing trains together, I sat her on Wyatt's rug and surrounded her with some padding. It's so much fun to get to watch this all over again.

This happened a month before her brother sat up for the first time.
Slow down baby girl...slow down.


  1. I know this is a post about Allegra getting so big but it's Wyatt who looks so old to me in that first picture! He looks like such a big boy!

  2. Beautiful kiddos...soak it up :)
