Thursday, September 3, 2009

Wasn't It Just Yesterday???

My friend Jackie's baby girl, Natalie, turned 1 year old today. It seems like it was just yesterday that I was taking pictures at the hospital for them.

And it WAS just yesterday that I was over at their house taking pictures to mark her first year. Unfortunately I wasn't on top of my game. Sheesh...halfway through our little photoshoot I realized that I had my ISO turned all the way up to 1600. That makes the pictures really grainy. And my flash was almost out of batteries. Miss Nat has just learned to walk and really wanted to show off her new skills. And on top of that Wyatt and Luke were wreaking havoc... (they turned the hose on outside and managed to spray it through the kitchen window spraying the ceiling and richocheting onto the counter and the floor) AHHHHHHH!!! Anyway, all that to say "Jackie, I really really want a do-over" But after looking through the pictures these were a few that I liked...
Happy Birthday to you....
Happy Birthday to you...
Happy Birthday Dear Natalie...
Happy Birthday to you....
....And MANY MORE!!!


  1. Those are so cute Em! Great job!

  2. Oh Em! Thank you! It touches me that you care for my kids so much. I am always amazed at the pictures you manage to capture. Whether there's 10 or 100. Thank you so much!

  3. FABULOUS!!! Beautiful artistry Em and what a gorgeous little girl, Jackie! Loveya, mom

  4. Ummmsss! Cute pictures Emily, you sure do know how to find some pretty subjects! Good work my friend!

  5. Love those picures. They are really cute!
