Wednesday, September 30, 2009

"Chick" update

I've been, "nose to the grindstone" every day this week, during naptime, working on the pinwheels for Allegra's Chubby Chick quilt. I officially finished the chicks this weekend, and I know you were waiting with baited breath, but I decided to go ahead and put on buttons for the eyes. I hemmed and hawed for a very long time, but then I just decided that there was really no substitute. So, to make it safe, I bought a heavy duty, high quality thread and sewed those puppies on there so tight that I don't think I could get them off. Of course, Ryan said that in order to really test it, I'd have to gnaw at it for about 10 minutes.
I'm a little over halfway done with the pinwheels. After that, the next step are all the borders (there are 3).
FYI...That's my belly labeled "Allegra". Ryan said he didn't know!


  1. what a beautiful quilt! You are doing such a great job. What a lucky baby girl!

  2. Those little chicks are adorable!

  3. It looks absolutely fantastic Em! I love it! I can't wait to see that baby girl all wrapped up in it!

  4. the fabric on the chick bodies is so darn cute - reminds me of vintage material or scrapbook paper - nice work mama

  5. Emmers - WOW ... You've made A LOT of progress since this weekend! The quilt is BEAUTIFUL!!!
    loveya, mom
