Thursday, June 25, 2009

Winner's Circle!

The winner of the YoBaby giveaway is:

#8 April!

April, I know I have your address, but could you please e-mail it to me so I can forward it to Katie at Stonyfield Farm.


Thanks to everyone who participated in the giveaway.

By the way, April, is having a huge giveaway over on her blog Photobucket

There are 10 giveaways to be exact, and they are awesome! Coach, Juicy Couture, Mommy Cards, and Ed Hardy is a sampling of what she's giving away to celebrate her blogiversary!


  1. WOW!!! My very first win!!! Yay!!! Thanks, Em!
    Oh and thank you for the giveaway shout out, too!!! :o)
    I'll email you my address asap.

  2. Congratulations April! I wanted Free yogurt- but now I guess I will just have to buy some. = )

  3. Lame! I tried to enter but was having issues becoming a "follower". Now I see it actually worked. I am a yogurt-less follower. I'm sure I would've won...
