Thursday, April 2, 2009

Sneak Peek For Jackie!!

Oh my...this is my absolute favorite age to photograph. Not Mobile. Sitting up. Happy as can be.
Little Natalie is turning 7 months old tomorrow. She was sitting up and smiley. NOT telling me NO or running off. Sigh. I love this age!
Luke and Wyatt play really good together. So, while they played, Jackie and I played with Nat!:)

Anyway, I had a fun time this afternoon and thought I'd give Jackie a little sneak peek...

Here is a pic of the boys playing together...

and whoops, how'd this get in here? I took Luke's 6 month pictures too...


  1. Oh! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! I'm so excited to see what else you shot today. So cute.

  2. I have the most adorable niece EVAH!!! Great pics, as always, Em!!

  3. Goregeous photos as always Em!! Beautiful baby girl!

  4. Awww, so cute. Love how you captured all of them... beautiful.
