Monday, April 27, 2009

Keep Portland Weird

I've always hated that slogan.
For many reasons, but mostly for the plain and simple fact that Portland is, in fact, weird. Some call it eclectic and charming but for the most part, it fits the "weird" bill.
So, I thought I'd share the latest MAX story that Ryan had this morning. He has many, and I've been encouraging him to write them down, because most of them are pretty funny.
I got the following text from him at 7:14am this morning, and I quote:
"Holy Crap! There is a big ol' black lady on the train with no pants on! Seriously, just a shirt and socks with flip flops" "Ha ha, she's yelling at all the "white B******S who were shooting at her and made her run off without her pants"
Ok people, I know that on so many levels this is actually a pretty sad story. But, this woman literally had no bottoms on. Nothing. Bare bum hanging out in all it's glory. And by the time she got off, apparently she just got off like she had not a care in the world.
Oh, poor Ryan. The things he puts up with.


  1. I love his MAX stories. Hilarious! Never a dull moment in Portland eh?

  2. Wow! I am sure he has some great stories about his MAX adventures. You need to have him blog about these every once in awhile. That is pretty bizarre, and I agree...sad.

    I don't like that sticker either.
