Thursday, March 19, 2009

My Blood-Caffeine Levels Are Way Too Low!

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I woke up this morning to....ahhhhhh no more coffee. I had a cup of tea but it didn't cut it. I couldn't leave and go buy some because the guy was coming to look at our broken floor joyst. And after he finally left, Wyatt was ready for his nap. These are my symptoms. My eyes are burning, I have no motivation, and I really should have laid down and taken a nap. Instead of taking a nap, I went on a hunt for different forms of caffeine. Right now there are 6 minutes left and my homemade brownies will be done. Chocolate has caffeine right?


  1. Oh my goodness! I've been wanting homemade brownies!!! I'm so sad you forgot to tell me to come over. I would have brought coffee. The sicky could've watched from the car (confined to his seat of course) & the babes could've napped whilst we ate brownies & drank coffee on the front porch. But alas, it wasn't meant to be. Although there's still time. I'm just sayin' . . .

  2. mmmm brownies, I think I might have to go make some. It makes for a horrible day if I forget that we are running low on coffee and I run out. I HAVE to have my caffeine fix!
