Saturday, March 7, 2009

Hurry! Don't Delay! Win a Trip for 4 to SeaWorld!!

**Disclaimer** The cautious pessimist in me just wants to point out that I do not know the person that put this contest together. I have not done any research as to whether this contest is legitimate. But I hope, hope, hope it is!

I'm almost feeling a little bit, ummmm, protective of this contest.
It's a good one.
But, I'm teaching my son that he should share, and it gains me an extra entry so what the heck...
I'll share it.

So, I stumbled upon a great giveaway just now:

Win a Trip for 4 to SeaWorld and Ride Manta!

seaworld_logo-1IZEA and SeaWorld have teamed up to create a wicked contest called Manta Mania. One person will win a trip for four to SeaWorld including airfare, hotel and two full days at the park. Not only that… you will get priority access to ride Manta! I also have an awesome SeaWorld prize pack to giveaway that includes some cool schwag.

Ryan and I just recently saw a commercial for Sea World and I looked at him and said, "Wyatt would like Sea World so much more than Disney right now." I mean he would LOVE it!!
Then I stumbled upon this giveaway...fate? I think...maybe?
Added bonus, they are building a new roller coaster. I love roller coasters. Another added bonus, I think it's for the Florida SeaWorld. Ah...I could go for an umbrella drink right about now...
So click on this link for all the details to enter.

If you must.
No, I'm sharing.
Please enter.
If you must.

1 comment:

  1. That would be so fun! I won't enter though. I've had enough traveling for awhile. Or maybe I should enter and give it to you guys if I win!
