Saturday, January 17, 2009

2009 Goals and Aspirations *Edited*

*Ok even though I went in and changed the font from webdings to arial it didn't change back. So, I had to delete all the pictures and redo the captions. Crazy!!! Are the posts below doing the same thing too? I can't tell, it's not showing up crazy on my weirdo computer, I can read it just fine.

It's only the 17th.

On the Friday after Christmas we went over to Ryan's Uncle Tom and Aunt Jackie's house for leftovers and dessert. (we usually do this on Christmas evening, but it got postponed due to the circumstances that came on Christmas)
Anyway, after dinner, we all sat down and watched some home videos that had been taken through the years of all the kids growing up. It was so much fun to watch those videos of the church Christmas programs, and the baptisms, and the Easters and the Christmases and the birthday parties of years past.
I started thinking that have these kiddos that are growing up together and are so cute together. I have scads of pictures. But hardly any video. So sitting right there on that couch I made my new year's resolution.

Take more home video.

I've been pretty good at doing it too. Now endurance is the key.

Carson & Doug

This picture makes me's just so odd

Mama & Asher

Carson & Wyatt are checking out the gift from Aunt Nan & Uncle Doug

Grammy got a new sewing machine for Christmas

You have no idea how many pictures I have of this guy. The pictures are all the same, only the cameras have changed!
Aunt Nan's playing ball with the boys


  1. I'm confused on the captions... they look like wingdings.... is that supposed to happen? The video thing is a good idea, we were great with our first kid, terrible with the second {sigh} we should steal your idea!

  2. I am with ya on being so terrible about taking video. I think I will join in with ya and make it a goal for myself as well this year!

    Very cute photos of all the kiddos!
