Wednesday, November 12, 2008

More Coupon Madness

I set off for Albertsons today with a few purchases in mind. I had my plan. It didn't work out quite like I had planned, but I did pretty good anyway.
I had planned on stocking up on toilet paper with some great deals that I had worked out in my noggin. The store didn't have the right quantities that went with the coupons that I had. Two of the coupons were Albertsons coupons, so I was able to get a rain check. I will get my deal eventually! *evil laugh*
But for now, I'll be content with the rest of my list.
Transaction #1:
1. Melita Coffee Filters Ct. 40 $10 for $10 (I bought 2)
$1 x 2 = $2
2. Old Spice Deodorant - On Sale 2 for $7 (I bought 4)
  • Fred Meyer Coupon - $2.99 Each (Limit 4)
  • Manufacturers Coupon - 2 @ $1 off 2
  • Safeway Double Coupons - 2 @ $.50 off
  • $2.99x4= $11.96 - $2 = $9.96 - $1 = 8.96 / 4 = $2.24 each x 4 = $8.96 Total
3. Fresh Express Premium Salad Mix - On Sale for $1.47 ea
Manufacturers Coupon - $.75 off (Not Subject to Doubling)
$1.47 - $.75 = $.72 ea

Total should have been $11.68 Actual total was $8.20
There was alot of confusion swirling around due to the toilet paper fiasco. Somewhere in the mix I think my checker messed up and I didn't realize it till I got home. These receipts are so dadgum confusing anyway, I couldn't figure out how she did that if I tried. I can only do the math on my own.

Transaction #2

1. Tag Deodorant - On Sale 2 for $7 (I bought 1)
Fred Meyer's Coupon - $2.99 ea
Manufacturer's Coupon - $1 off 1
Safeway Double Coupon - $.50
$2.99 - $1 = $1.99 - $.50 = $1.49 Ea
2. Fresh Express Premium Salad Mix - On Sale for $1.47 ea
Manufacturers Coupon - $.75 off (Not Subject to Doubling)
$1.47 - $.75 = $.72 ea
Should have been - $2.21 Actually Charged - $1.71
In this case, she doubled the coupon that was not to be doubled)

Total Out of Pocket $9.91

My goal with couponing right now is to get some nice "stockpiles" of things that we use all the time.
Since Ryan goes through 1 stick of deodorant per week (I'm not exaggerating) , 5 sticks of the stuff was not a bad deal for me. What can I say, my husband is paranoid about smelling. That's not too bad for me, even if I have to buy him deodorant once a week.

I'm kinda becoming the "crazy coupon lady". But when I see that total on the sidebar slowly rising, it makes me feel quite sane, thank you very much!


  1. 1. Mike is almost as bad with deodorant. I swear he's always telling me he needs more.

    2. Have you been reading my friend Andrea's blog? You two sound a lot alike with the coupon talk.

    3. I like that you said dadgum.

  2. About #2...I wasn't implying you are copying her at all. It's just funny how similar your coupon obsessions are becoming. I'm all for couponing though so keep it coming! :)

  3. Nope...haven't been reading Andrea's blog.
    I'll have to go over there and check it out.
    It is an obsession. I'm willing to admit that!!!

  4. Wow sounds like you are scoring on some major deals. I really wish I had more time to start scanning for great coupons. That is too funny about Ryan going through a stick of deoderant a week.

  5. Hi Emily,
    I have been trying to reach you. You won the coupon stash over at my blog "Boogers, Bibs, Books & Bubbles". Can you please reply to this message (via your email) with your address. Thank you. If I do not here from you by Monday, I will have to pick a new winner. Hope to hear from you. God bless!!!

  6. Way to go on scoring the deals... I need to get on that myself.
    Thanks for the comment, it really made me feel cared for :)

  7. Woah, Emily, you won another coupon stash! Nice going! So i finally made it over to your blog and "WOW" you are great blogger! It is so funny for me to hear you talk about couponing, cooking and being a wife and mama as I last remember you from when you were in high school! I imagine it may be the same for you as I only ever talked about rock climbing before babies. How things change!
