Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Just Dropping in... tell you about a little contest that's going on.
Now, you're gonna look at it and say, she doesn't have a baby.
I might have one again someday.
But, it would be a great gift or fun to keep for "someday"
So I'm entering it anyway.
I went to my monthly mom's group this morning and the talk today was all about finances. The speaker gave a few blog sites that she looks at all the time...So, during nap time I decided to peruse them and see what I could find.

I found this site at just the right time. It's her blog's 2 year anniversary and she's doing giveaways all week.
There is a chance for 3 entry's and the 3rd is if you link the contest to your blog.

So here it is!!!
I love the prize.
Maybe "someday" I would be able to use it.

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