Friday, September 19, 2008

We Interrupt This Break...

...with a post!!!
Ha ha, I didn't know I was on a break from blogging either, I just haven't had time to put anything together.

My parents 30th anniversary was this Tuesday!! Happy Anniversary mom and dad.

So, we are plugging away with the house...we are so close (and yet so far away), that I don't want to post any more pictures until it's done.

Last week, I did a little photo session with the beautiful Miss Nat. She was 9 days old on the day these were taken. I didn't feel very good about the pictures when I was taking them. I just didn't feel like I ever got into my groove. But, all in all, I think, we got some pretty cute pictures.


  1. Welcome Back, Em!! You have been greatly missed!!
    I don't know what kind of groove you need to be in, but the pictures of Natalie are adorable!! Very cute!!

  2. Great - now I'm WAY behind on my blogging. Ha, ha, ha!!! I love the pics and I always do - very cute. I definately see some adorable birth announcements resulting from these pictures : )

  3. Those are precious Em! She's s teeny!
    I like your new banner. I remember you taking those first pictures of Wyatt. Crazy that it was two years ago! He's a cute kid!

  4. Those pics turned out beautiful!! You always do such an amazing job!!

    Tell your parents congrats on 30yrs! That is so awesome!

    PS. I might have to hire ya to come do some photos of Austin and Taryn together :)
