Monday, September 1, 2008

Sweet Shea

Last week, I had the pleasure of taking some pictures of our cousin Jennifer's new baby, Shealeigh Madelyn.
She was born on June 2nd and at the time of these pictures was just shy of 3 months old.
This is going to be mostly pictures...I'll let them do the talking.
She is just so darling!!


  1. Beautiful baby, beautiful pictures. Is this something you do professionally? If not, you should :)

  2. Oh my word! Her eyes are gorgeous and her hair is soooo thick! I'm willing to put money on the fact that I think my little girl is coming with a full head of hair - but I doubt it'll be anything close to Shea's! She's extremely cute! Oh yeah - great job with the pics too. But you know that I always love your work . . . I'm one of your biggest fans! : )

  3. So cute Em! She's a cute baby and your pictures are great!
