Tuesday, July 8, 2008

VBS Update!

We have had some fabulous weather for VBS so far this week!!
Wyatt is in a class by himself with Carson. His teachers are Aunt Da Da (Cresslyn) and Aunt Lisa. These 2 are so cute together. What a pair they make.
I'm having a fun time, not having any real responsibilities. I get to float all over the place and take pictures wherever my heart desires. My only other little job is taking care of the attendance paperwork.
I am also working on a slideshow presentation for the family picnic that we have on Friday.
Seriously, it's quite a drive for Wyatt and I in the morning, and we have to get up at an ungodly hour. (ok that might be a little dramatic...7 am??? The horror) I've had to wake Wyatt up 2 days in a row and just put him in the car with his jammies on.


  1. The boys look like they are having so much fun even though its only the two of them in a class together! And you couldn't ask for better weather!

    7am?? What I would give to be able to sleep in until then! :) Unfortunately Austin prefers to rise with the sun. Haha! 3 more days to go!

  2. VBS is so fun, my kiddos love it. I'm glad the he had fun. I wanted to ask how you made that cool title with the pictures mounted like that... I might need to be walked through it. -S

  3. Steph...
    Its some frames that I bought from a digi scrapbook store.
    I did it just like I do my scrapping and brought it into photoshop. And I just put the pictures behind it.
    Here is a link to the frames...
    I think they are $3.99.
    Do you have photoshop?

  4. Emily,

    I do not have photoshop? It is on my "need" list, I mean "want" list:) Thank you for sharing your creative ideas. -S

  5. Carson was looking at these pictures and asked who was playing with Wyatt. When I said his name was Carson, he said "No I'm Carson. What's his real name?"
