Wednesday, June 25, 2008

*Edited* My Precious Grandpa...

*My grandpa passed away yesterday around 1:45pm. Please keep our family in your prayers as we make plans for the funeral. (edited 6.27.08)*

...he's 92. He is in the hospital right now with pneumonia in both of his lungs.
Wyatt and I spent a good part of the day there yesterday, just helping out in anyway we could.
I was so scared I would wake up this morning to bad news.
But, he made it.
I don't have any updates, but I know that yesterday, he hadn't improved as the day went on.
I am still waiting for a call back from my mom, but things have been pretty chaotic and she's been very busy.
My grandma gets really forgetful when she is under heavy stress, and that has been really coming out in the last couple days.
She has been very confused and unsure of why they are even there.
They both tend to get agitated and my grandpa has a fear of being at the hospital.
If you get a chance please say a prayer for them.
My poor grandpa is a sweet, but stubborn old coot (said with love).
He has come a long way, but is still unsaved.
I really want to see both of them in heaven someday.
Please pray for that!


  1. Will do. Maybe today's the day for a tender heart. . .

  2. What a sweet picture of your grandparents ... their love just shines! Lots of love and prayers for your family.

  3. Precious photo of your Grandma and Grandpa. I will definitely be praying for him and the rest of your family.

  4. Oh Em. I'm praying for your family.
    What a sweet picture to have of your grandparents.

  5. I am so sorry.
    They look so kind and dear.

    May your grandpa rest in peace.

  6. Em, I am so sorry to hear about your Grandpa. He has been in my prayers since you told me he was in the hospital. You have been a dear friend and my heart goes out to you and your family.
    With Love,
