Monday, June 29, 2009

Ultrasound Day!

It's a girl!
I'm glad it's a girl because I was so worried that I would be momentarily disappointed.
She looks to be a beautiful and healthy little girl...which of course, is most important.
Her name has been changed from Pinhead to Allegra, it means "joyful". I was looking for a name than meant "peaceful", since Wyatt's name means "little warrior" and lately he's been living up to it. But I figured that joyful was a good sign! :)

There was one piece of bad news, that, if I'm being honest, put a damper on my day. The placenta is too low and if it doesn't move up naturally I will have to schedule a C-section. My doctor said that in my case only about 5% don't fix themselves. But, I have to wait for 9 weeks though to see if it has moved up on it's own. Until then, I have to really take it easy, or I run the risk of being put on bed-rest. I want to avoid bed-rest at ALL costs, especially with a busy 3 1/2 yr old running around.

I really thought it was a girl, really, but I was doubting my instincts.
The ultra-sound tech and my doctor (on seperate occasions) said that it looked like she was picking her nose.

Like brother like sister I suppose!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Winner's Circle!

The winner of the YoBaby giveaway is:

#8 April!

April, I know I have your address, but could you please e-mail it to me so I can forward it to Katie at Stonyfield Farm.


Thanks to everyone who participated in the giveaway.

By the way, April, is having a huge giveaway over on her blog Photobucket

There are 10 giveaways to be exact, and they are awesome! Coach, Juicy Couture, Mommy Cards, and Ed Hardy is a sampling of what she's giving away to celebrate her blogiversary!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

* TIME'S UP * Product Review & GIVEAWAY!!!

*Time's Up winner will be announced tomorrow! Good luck everyone*

About 2 weeks ago, I was contacted by Katie at Stonyfield Farm and asked if I would like to do a product review and giveaway on my blog.
Yes Please!
The product is "Yo Baby Organic Whole Milk Yogurt".
I know that I don't have a baby anymore (outside of the womb), my little guy is 3 and a half. However, I still like to give him whole milk products because it's good for brain development. And actually, I did give him this product when he was a babe.
I'll be honest, I'm not a hard and fast purchaser of organic products. However, I do know that there are great benefits to organic over non-organic products.
Wyatt can be somewhat picky at times, so I think I'll let the pictures do the talking.

As you can see, he completely devoured this pear yogurt. I didn't have to coax, like usual, he just shoveled it in, bite after bite. It was wonderful. I'm so glad that I've been re-introduced to this product, and now I'd like to introduce it to you.

The giveaway is for a YoBaby bowl with lid, an organic YoBaby bib, and a bundle of 5 coupons for free YoBaby organic yogurt. That's 5 of these sweet little 6 packs for FREE!! (when I went to pick up mine at Fred Meyer they were $3.99)
(I have no idea why this picture is looking like a negative, but you get the picture)

Here's how you win:
Leave a comment on my blog and tell me if you have ever used YoBaby yogurt or any of the Stonyfield Farm products before. **Or, just leave a comment if you have not tried it, but would love to give it a whirl.**(Please make sure to leave your e-mail address or a viable way to contact you or your entry will be disqualified).

Additional Entries: (after completion of the above)
*1 entry - become a follower by adding yourself to the group of followers on the right hand sidebar, then leave a comment stating that you did so. If you are already a follower then leave a second comment stating the fact. You MUST have a blog acct or a profile to be a follower

*1 entry - do a post on your blog linking back to my giveaway, then come back and comment with a link to your blog post.

*1 entry - update your Facebook or Twitter account with links to this giveaway (link required). Come back and comment.

Contest will end on Wednesday June 24th at 8pm PST.

And for the love of Christmas, please, if I don't know you or how to contact you, please please please, leave me your E-mail address. I wouldn't want anyone to miss out due to a technicality.

Friday, June 12, 2009

I Won!!!

Fabulous Fun Finds Featured Item
I've been entering giveaways at Fabulous Fun Finds for only a short time now. But much to my excitement, I won one of them. Fabulous Fun Finds is a blog that, for the most part, only does giveaways.
Their giveaways run the gammit (I know that's a word, but I can't figure out how to spell it right) and an example of what they are giving away now is:
Fornash Bangle Giveaway the winner will be given the bangle of her choice.

Tourance Hooded Towel Giveaway the winner will be given their choice of one hooded towel

Moxie Shoes Giveaway - The winner will be given a pair of Clover Sandals by Matisse

and other open giveaways include, jewelry, Baby items, women's clothes...

I just wanted to give them a shout out on here because check out what I won....

(Yes I realize that my son is not wearing pants, but it's next to impossible to keep clothes on this kid after his nap)

This was a giveaway by Baby Rocker Apparel, they have some great specialty items for kiddos. I'm seriously thinking about buying Wyatt this t-shirt from them:
It says, "Big Bro, Honor and Defend"

Thank you so much to Baby Rocker Apparel for the giveaway and thankyou to Fabulous Fun Finds for hosting it.

Anyway, go check out Fabulous Fun Finds, they have some great giveaways, I know because I WON!!!
And by the way, all this talk about giveaways reminds me, I have a giveaway coming up on my blog soon. If you have a baby or a toddler, or are a child at heart, you'll want to stay tuned. I'm going to be hosting the same giveaway that Jackie did here. Very exciting!!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Tell Me About...


Wyatt officially entered the question phase about a month ago.
It all started with a trip to the beach. The water heater went out and daddy and papa spent a good part of the day replacing it. All this hubbub fascinated him. He couldn't help himself, even when told not to "go in there", he kept finding himself right in the middle of all the action. When everything was all said and done, he kept wanting to go in and look at the water heater. A while later, we were talking in the morning and he asked me to "tell him about the water heater". So, I told him what I could come up with, and then he asked to hear it again....and again...and again.
Then during that same time, he asked me to "tell him about the farm alarm" (fire alarm). So I told him that one again and again and again. So, I FINALLY told him that we needed to take a break and go have breakfast.

Lately he's been asking us to "tell him about the washer and dryer"

And for some time now, he's also had an obsession with cranes. He will spot them from a mile away. He's almost always right too. Even when I don't see it right away, if I look really hard, super far away, then I find it. One night, we didn't see any cranes while driving from 'here to there' and we had one disappointed little boy on our hands. So, instead I found him this video on YouTube:

"Hey Ma, I'm in the bag"

Monday, June 1, 2009

Yo Baby Yogurt...Not Just For Babies!!!

My friend Jackie is hosting another great giveaway on her blog.
Just click on the picture above to get over there!
Included in this giveaway is:
5 coupons for free Yo Baby yogurt....FREE!!!
Organic Bib
Bowl w/ lid

Honestly, I'm in it for the coupons. :) I will feed it to Wyatt and take a nibble or 2 myself!
So head on over and enter....wouldn't it be so much fun to win??